Eke Panuku Māori awards celebrate ‘perseverance, connections and success’
05 December, 2023
Premier awards for Trades, Te Reo Māori and Osteopathy ākonga
From Waiheke to Pitt Islands and all over Aotearoa in between, Ara | Te Pūkenga ākonga Māori have been celebrated for their achievements, growth and contribution.
Infused with aroha and admiration, the annual Eke Panuku Māori awards at Ara once again recognised “intergenerational whānau transformation through education, agency and enterprise”.
The event is designed to bring ākonga, kaimahi, whānau and community together to witness the successes of ākonga Māori in their learning and in their lives.
Tate Tiatia, Director of Māori Achievement, said it was a signature event.
“This is an opportunity to celebrate success as defined by Māori, and in alignment with our Framework for Māori Achievement vision which sets out to deliver positive experiences through kaupapa and mātauranga Māori as we seek to inspire more Māori to come, stay and succeed at Ara.”
“Several of these stand-out ākonga have received multiple endorsements, and from that we were thrilled to present 38 awards across our programmes.”
The evening’s guest speaker, kaiako Jacqueline Martin, drew on her groundbreaking decades of mahi as a rural Māori midwife, her teaching in the field and her own hard-fought dedication to study to PhD level, to encourage achievers to “continue to cross thresholds of their own”.
Tate Tiatia (left) with guest speaker Jacqueline Martin
The evening of recognition started with dual enrolee Truce Te Wake (Ngāti Kahungunu) who has completed his Introduction to Engineering Trades (Level 2) and is now enrolled for a Pre-Trade qualification.
Te Wake’s growth in skill and quiet determination was noted in his nomination.
Kaumātua Harry Westrupp, and Whaea Charmaine Tukua congratulate Truce Te Wake
Further award citations from Level Three to degree level detailed inspiring stories of personal determination and devotion to empowering others to succeed. As Ara Acting Operations Lead Glynnis Brook noted, recurrent themes in the nominations were “perseverance and connection leading to success”.
Each winner was awarded a commissioned art piece from Mark Potene unique to the learner journey category they represented.
The premier awards of the evening, three Te Hokinga Transformation Awards, were drawn from all those nominated.
“These awards derive from the vision of ‘whānau transformation through education’ as first expressed by the late Te Rereamoamo Monte Ohia who was Te Pou Matua - Kaiārahi at Christchurch Polytechnic from 2005 to 2008,” Tiatia said. “Our panel seeks to align the efforts of candidates with their potential to benefit not just themselves as individuals but also their whānau when deciding these winners.”
The three awardees spanned the study areas of Trades, Humanities and Applied Health from Level Three to Level Seven.
Tavalea Eade (Ngāi Tahu), Ruby-Isabella Reedy-Land (Ngāti Porou) and Archie Trimmer (Ngāti Paoa) were applauded not only for their dedication to study but also their determination to contribute to the success of others and overcome obstacles.
Through witnessing the milestones of all the prize-winners at Eke Panuku, Ara | Te Pūkenga could itself be celebrated as a place where Māori learners are supported in their culture, learning and transformational growth.
Full list of winners:
Te Whakatika ki te Haere Award: (Level 2)
- Rangi Tawaka Campbell
- Truce Te Wake
Te Kāhu Kōrako: (Level 3)
- Donna Piwari
- Manaia Warbrick
- Dan Heaphy
- Huriana Russell
- Paige Grainger
- Ixzavior Hodges
- Noah Hansen
- Tavalea Eade
- Melodie Tarawa
Te Uruuru Whenua Award: (Level 4)
- Allan Gray
- Chontelle Smart
- Courtney Lanauze
- Emma-Jane Hepi
- Felicia Dalton
- Leeah Powell
- Nadia Roberts
- Pera Poharama-Hallett
- Eddy Nikora
- Kasey McGlynn
- Kirianna Te Amo
- Lauren Ormsby
- Ruby-Isabella Reedy-Land
Te Aranga Ake Award: (Level 5-6)
- Cayla Takimoana
- Isileili Paris
- Te Atetangi Paris
Ka Whai Hua Award (Degree programmes)
- Archie Trimmer
- Brayden Ututaonga
- Lauren Enslow
- Taryn Williams
- Jessica Daniels
- Amy Henderson
- Tanaya Bent
- Mira Cameron
Te Hokinga, Transformation Award, Whānau Transformation Through Education - Monte Ohia
- Archie Trimmer
- Ruby-Isabella Reedy-Land
- Tavalea Eade